Coke making : Recovery & Non-recovery type
Iron making : Beneficiation, Pellet Plant, DR Plant, Blast Furnace, Sintering Plant , Hot metal pre-treatment plants etc
Steel making : BOF, EAF, EOF , IF, AOD etc
Secondary Metallurgy : LRF, IRUT, VD, VOD, VAD, RH etc
Continuous Casting : Billet, Bloom, Beam-Blank, Slab, Thin Slab caster etc
Rolling : Flat and Long products and tube mill
Foundry : SG, CI, Steel Forging Technology
Ferro-alloys : FeMn, SiMn, FeSi, FeCr etc Material Handling system
MGeneral Engineering : Mine Infrastructure, Lime Plant, Refractory Plant, Metro Rail etc
Power Plant : WHRB, AFBC etc